
Not only adolescent females

Latest figures show that an estimated 1.25 million people in the UK could be suffering from an eating disorder. These figures may not reflect the enormity of the situation. Although many eating disorders develop during adolescence, there are reports of children as young as 6 years old and those of older generations in their seventies experiencing the…


Obesity or Binge Eating Disorder

Recent reports suggest that obesity has reached epidemic levels in the UK. A fact that isn’t widely recognized is that a number of those that meet criteria to be diagnosed as clinically obese will be suffering from a classified eating disorder: Binge Eating Disorder. As with the possibly more widely recognized eating disorders, Anorexia and…


Eating Disorder Workshop

Eating Disorder Workshop. If you need help with your eating habits or you believe you are suffering from an Eating Disorder such as Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia, then this workshop may be just the help you need. We offer  Group Eating Disorder Workshops, which run for nine sessions. The group sessions can help you to make…


Eating Disorder Statistics

A report commissioned by the charity B-EAT in February 2015 states that Eating Disorders now affect an estimated 725,000 people, which is 5% of the adult population. The figures released on Thursday 30/1/14 from the Health and Social Care Information Centre, showed that the biggest rise in people being admitted to hospital for Eating Disorders…


When does eating become an Eating Disorder?

The word disorder conjures up chaos and untidiness. So if we have an eating disorder does it mean that we eat chaotically or untidily. The term disorder, is now widely used when referring to an illness of the mind or body. So what is an Eating Disorder and what is normal eating? We are constantly…