Eating Disorder Workshop.

If you need help with your eating habits or you believe you are suffering from an Eating Disorder such as Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia, then this workshop may be just the help you need.

We offer  Group Eating Disorder Workshops, which run for nine sessions. The group sessions can help you to make sense of your cravings and concerns about food, your weight and shape.

It will enable you to meet others and if you wish discuss your experiences surrounding food, and will help you to begin to make changes.

During the nine sessions, we will look at:

  • Eating and Lifestyle
  • What does our body need?
  • Understanding hunger
  • Anorexia, Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia
  • Habits and Routines
  • Thoughts and Feelings
  • Body Image
  • Self Esteem & Self Worth
  • Assertiveness and Motivation


In addition: We run Parent/Carer Support Groups. Don’t struggle alone to support a loved one suffering from an eating disorder. We offer help and advice to enable you to give effective support and to help with recovery.

* If group workshops are not for you, but you feel that you need help with your eating disorder, and would like an individual appointment, please do not delay, contact us at Chrysalis.

Contact Angela or Sally at Chrysalis for further information or an appointment.
Tel: 07742023489
Email: a&